Terms & Conditions

Statement of publication ethics

General statements 

Space – Economy – Society (TGE) is published four times a year. The first 3 issues are being published in Hungarian, and the last fourth issue is in English. The issue is first available online on the http://tge.sze website then in the following weeks in printing. At least two independent reviewers review each study or article submitted. A study may be published only if it has two supporting reviewers' opinions and the Editor-in-chief supporting the study's publication. 

Readers may download both the issues and the articles separately on the website. 

By fulfilling the ethical expectations, the editorial office works on the publication of new, interesting, and relevant results of the given specialization for the professional audience.

Studies written in Hungarian have titles and abstracts in English as well. Readers may read short authorial descriptions both, Hungarian and English, at the end of the issues. Issues written in English have titles, abstracts, and authorial descriptions only in English.

The journal strives to apply the guidelines of the Committee of Publication Ethics (CORE). https://publicationethics.org/ 

The responsible publisher of the journal is the executive of the Universitas Nonprofit Kft. Győr. 


The operation of the Journal is determined by bodies and persons 

Editorial Board

The editorial board members come from social science, mostly within the area of economics and regional studies. The chairman of the editorial board is a prominent domestic representative of the given area of science. The editorial board appoints a new member of the editorial board based on the chairman's proposal and the Editor-in-chief. The Chairman, the Editor-in-chief, and the Associate Editor deriving their position are also Editorial Board members.

The peer-review process 

Each study or article (scientific studies, case studies) submitted is reviewed by two anonymous reviewers who may be the Editorial Board members, either the colleagues of Széchenyi István University or the colleagues of domestic and foreign institutions. The Editor-in-chief appoints reviewers, and a reviewer may be suggested by both the Associate Editor and the Chairman. The Editorial Assistant sends the documents to the reviewer. The peer-review process happens in the same language as the study is written, except in some extreme cases. 

In the case of studies written in English, the journal strives for more foreign reviewers to review the studies.

The final decision on the admission of reviews, reports, and guides lies with the Editor-in-chief. Henceforth, she/he prepares the proofreading.

The reviewers’ identity is anonymous during the whole peer-review process. The interconnections between the author(s) and reviewer(s) may only be known by the Editor-in-chief, the Associate Editor, the Chairman, and the Editorial Assistant, who are not allowed to reveal the given linking points.  

The reviewers are unrewarded. However, their names are published in the issues as a reward for their work.

Each study has two reviewers. If none of them is supportive, the study can not be published. If only one review is dismissive, The editor in chief will request a third reviewer. If one reviewer is dismissive but undertakes to re-review the study after the author’s correction, it is unnecessary to request a third reviewer. The Editor-in-chief ensures that the authors may get acquainted with the reviewers’ opinions. The Editor-in-chief makes every final decision related to the publication. 

During the entire review process, the communication with the authors and reviewers occurs through email under the Editor-in-chief’s supervision.

The reviewers

The Editor-in-chief appoints the reviewers. The reviewers receive the study for reviewing and the reviewer’s template from the Editor Assistant, which must be sent back via email in 20 – 40 days in general. In the reviewer’s template, the reviewers are provided with appropriate guidelines to evaluate the study objectively. If any problem arises during the peer review process (e.g., conflict of interest, plagiarism), it must be immediately indicated to the Editor-in-chief. The prospective reviewers are requested to send feedback in all cases - if they can undertake to review the study - if not, the editor-in-chief will appoint a new reviewer. The reviewers receive a reminder after the deadline expires; the aim of the Editorial Office is that the authors get the reviewers’ opinions without the possibility of delay.  

Reviewers must confidentially treat every step of the peer-review and all the information acquired in the process.

The Authors

The author’s guideline is achievable on our website, implicating a detailed set of requirements, which is important during the publication. The journal does not accept studies that are not properly written and constructed. The authors are obliged to submit studies that are not currently under publication/admission and have not been published elsewhere.   

The authors are informed in all cases if their studies have been accepted, if they have been, - would be reviewed by two reviewers. It may be followed by the correction of the studies co-operated with the proofreaders. If the author has any excuse related to the peer review and editing process, it must be indicated in writing to the Editor-in-chief.

The Copy-editors 

Every supported study is copy-edited by the Editor-in-chief and the Assistant Editor, during which they may request formal and/or content correction from the authors. Only the study which has been specified and finalized based on both the reviewers’ opinions and the questions formulated during the copy-editing may get into page-setting.